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Tobacco use and secondhand smoke, as well as household/outdoor air pollution, were identified
as ongoing community health concerns that are correlated with chronic disease, such as asthma
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as cancer. Responding to the needs of the
community, JHMC has focused on improving tobacco cessation rates. The Hospital was
awarded Gold Star Status from the NYC DOHMH’s Tobacco-Free Hospitals Campaign in
recognition of its tobacco cessation programming and successes, and continues to comply with
the Campaign’s standards.
With the benefit of quantitative health status data at the local level and the community’s input
about their health concerns, the Hospital has chosen to highlight the prevalence of these
behaviors―breastfeeding and tobacco use―in its service area as well as the Hospital’s concerted
efforts to address them in its three-year comprehensive Community Service Plan and
Implementation Plan. These initiatives are in alignment with the New York State Prevention
Agenda Priorities and the Healthy People 2030 goals.
Full report can be obtained here: