Jamaica Hospital Celebrates
National Fall Prevention Awareness Day

With National Fall Prevention Awareness Day quickly approaching on September 22, 2013,
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Trauma Division wants to make sure you and your loved
ones are taking the proper steps to avoid this preventable incident.
According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “falls are the leading cause of
injury leading to death for adults 65 or older and are also the most common cause of nonfatal
injuries and hospital admission for trauma for this age group.” Falls are also the most common
form of traumatic brain injuries in older adults.

As we get older, physical changes and health conditions — and sometimes the medications used
to treat those conditions — increase the chances of falls. It is very important to follow these
simple steps to decrease your chances of falling:

Falls are a largely preventable public health problem. Jamaica Hospital’s Trauma Division urges
older adults and their loved ones to follow these fall prevention measures and live safe, healthy

For more information about falls or other trauma related issues, please contact Jamaica
Hospital’s Trauma Division at 718-206-8552.
