Meditation is an ancient practice used to focus or clear your mind through a wide variety of techniques. Many people meditate through exercises that involve focusing on their breath, but other forms of meditation may involve focusing on physical sensations throughout the body, a specific thought or emotion, or your surroundings in the present moment, to name a few examples.


Meditation is a key component of many religious practices, but it is not inherently religious, and it is not necessary for you to be spiritual to meditate. One approach to meditation may not necessarily work best for everyone, which is why it’s important for you to explore different methods if you intend to start practicing regularly.


Meditation is an important aspect of mindfulness, which refers to an awareness of your internal state and surroundings; mindfulness and meditation are often elements of therapeutic approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy. There are numerous proven medical benefits to meditation, including:


  • Relief from mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and chronic stress
  • Improved cognitive ability in terms of concentration and ability to think clearly
  • Stronger emotional control in a variety of situations
  • Improvements in physical symptoms, such as abnormal blood pressure, gastric problems, and insomnia

There is no particular ideal length of time to meditate; even five minutes of practice each day can benefit your health. You can meditate almost anywhere, but it’s ideal to do it in a location that is calm and quiet, allowing you to focus more easily.


Meditation can be particularly beneficial under the guidance of an experienced instructor, who can help you to learn specific techniques for achieving a meditative state of mind. To learn more about guided Queens, NYC meditation sessions and other therapeutic services provided by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Integrative Health program, please call (718) 206-6914.