Organizer: Peter Cardella Senior Center
Date: October 2nd 2018
Address: 68-52 Fresh Pond Blvd., Queens, NY 11385
Number of Attendees: 40
Participants: Senior Citizens
Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, unintentional injuries, and hospital admissions for trauma. Falls can take a serious toll on older adults’ quality of life and independence. To raise awareness, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Trauma Division’s injury prevention coordinator, Alex Ariza will discuss some of the risk factors that lead to falls and what one can do to manage them. This includes everything from home safety, reviewing medications with your doctor, checking your vision frequently with your eye doctor, and adopting an exercise program designed to increase strength and balance as you age.
This event was organized by Community Educator, Alex Ariza, of the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Trauma Division and Josephine Spatola of the Peter Cardella Senior Center.
Get more information about future events and Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Falls Prevention Programs by contacting:
Alex Ariza
Community Educator & Injury Prevention Coordinator
718.206.7168 | [email protected]