Nursing Sensitive Indicators 3rd Q 2015 4th Q 2015 1st Q 2015 2nd Q 2016 3rd Q 2016 4th Q 2016 1st Q 2017 2nd Q 2017 3rd Q 2017
In-Patient Falls
(National Rate = 2.75)
3.61 4.47 3.83 2.71 3.44 2.97 2.73 2.00 2.48
In-Patient Falls with Injury
(National rate = 0.49)
0.15 0.46 0.19 0.34 0.25 0.39 0.20 0.13 0.13
Hospital Wide Restraint Use
(National Rate = 2.80)
NDNQI reporting initiated in 1/2016 4.88 5.26 1.80 3.72 4.78 3.31 2.09
Hospital Wide Acquired Pressure Injuries (National Rate = 2.15) NDNQI reporting initiated in 1/2016 3.25 0.88 0.90 0.93 1.44 1.10 1.57
For the period 3rd Q 2015 through and including 3rd Q 2016 only the Critical Care, Telemetry, SDU/RCU, Medical and Surgical Units are included in the report. Starting in the 4th Q 2016 Woman’s and Children’s Services were added to the data reporting for Falls and Falls with injury (not Pressure Ulcers or Restraints).Analysis of unit specific nursing staffing levels for the 1st – 3rd Q 2017 has not shown potential patient safety-related staffing issues.

Comparative Sample = Bed Size and Teaching = 80 Hospitals