Rotations and Clinical Experience

In their first year, pulmonary fellows rotate between our pulmonary consultation service and the medical intensive care unit (MICU). Fellows obtain hands-on experience in key pulmonary procedures, such as various types of bronchoscopic techniques, including EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound). Pulmonary and sleep clinics occur throughout the week. In the second year of the program, in addition to continuing their clinical experience, fellows rotate through a variety of electives, including radiology and anesthesia. Fellows also have the opportunity to participate in the following outside electives:

  • Pulmonary Mycobacterial Disease at National Jewish Health in Denver, CO
  • Interventional Pulmonology at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York, NY
  • Pulmonary Hypertension at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, NY

First-year fellows submit posters for presentation at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Conference or the American College of Chest Physicians’ CHEST Meeting. Second-year fellows work on a more substantial research project over the course of the year.During the first month of training, first-year fellows participate in a three-day, city-wide, critical care ultrasonography (CCUS) course at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center. Over the course of their training, fellows have the opportunity to attend educational conferences such as ATS or CHEST.
For an example of the different rotations performed by the pulmonary fellows, please see below:

Didactics and Conferences

Our pulmonary fellowship offers a strong didactic program. Educational opportunities occur three times per week. These include:

  • Lectures by on-site faculty members and outside guest speakers
  • Grand rounds held virtually with other institutions
  • Journal clubs, case presentations, clinicopathological conferences (CPCs), and topic reviews conducted by the fellows
  • Board review sessions
  • Combined pulmonary-interventional cardiology conferences to review pulmonary embolism management


During the second year of the program, fellows will see a research project through from inception to completion. Work on this project will involve planning, presentation to the Institutional Review Board (IRB), data collection, and analysis. Results will be reported within our institution and submitted for publication.

Fellows will work closely with the members of the research department and their faculty advisor throughout the process. As an added plus, we currently have graduate students from the St. John’s University Collaborative Health Integrative Research Program available to work with our fellows on their projects.

Apply to our pulmonary fellowship

To learn more about how to apply to the program and which items you will need to include in your application, please take a look at our Application and Contact Info page.

If you have any questions about the program or application process, feel free to email Kathleen Boccia, Pulmonary Fellowship Coordinator, at or call (718) 206-6768.