PGY – 1
Family Medicine Inpatient Team 8weeks
Internal Medicine Inpatient Team 8 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Pediatric ER 4 weeks
Obstetrics 4 weeks
Ambulatory Gynecology 4 weeks
Ambulatory Pediatrics 4 weeks
Surgery: General and Specialty 4 weeks
Adult ER 4 weeks
Community HEAL (Health Equity, Advocacy and Leadership) 4 weeks
Vacation 4 weeks
PGY – 2
Internal Medicine Inpatient Team 8 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics 4 weeks
Obstetrics 4 weeks
Elective 4 weeks
Integrated Medical Psych 4 weeks
MICU 4 weeks
Pain & Palliative Care 4 weeks
Community HEAL (Healthcare Equity, Advocacy, and Leadership) 4 weeks
Geriatrics 4 weeks
Sports Medicine/Ortho/Musculoskeletal Medicine 4 weeks
Family Medicine Inpatient Team (2 weeks night float and 2 weeks days) 4 weeks
Vacation 4 weeks
PGY – 3
Family Medicine Inpatient Team 6 weeks
Cardiology/Medical Subspecialties 4 weeks
Psychiatry/Behavioral Health 4 weeks
Ambulatory Pediatrics and Pediatrics Subspecialties 4 weeks
FMC/Urgent Care 4 weeks
Health Systems (PI, PT Safety, Population Health) 2 weeks
Community HEAL (Healthcare Equity, Advocacy, and Leadership) 4 weeks
Electives 20 weeks
Vacation 4 weeks

Longitudinal Curricular Experiences

A creative interplay of didactics, audio visuals, and computer-assisted learning models support the attending-resident educational relationship. Residents are also involved in supervised, structured medical presentations, journal clubs, board reviews and practical workshops designed to enhance their training experience. Research activities are required in order to promote a spirit of inquiry and objectivity. It is our belief that this educational format will produce family physicians capable of exercising clear judgment in the care of their patients. This, we hope, will serve as the foundation upon which our residents navigate the continuously changing course of medical practice. Our curriculum encompasses all areas of Family Medicine. The clinical component consists of four week block rotations and longitudinal experiences. Throughout this three year experience, resident physicians return to the Family Practice Center to care for their panel of patients and their families:

  • PGY 1: 1 to 3 sessions weekly
  • PGY 2: 2 to 4 sessions weekly
  • PGY 3: 3 to 8 sessions weekly

Community HEAL

The Community HEAL (Health Equity, Advocacy and Leadership) rotations are a unified longitudinal block experience that encompasses all three years of training that emphasizes patient safety, population health, health inequities, patient advocacy, and the development of leadership skills. It is a graduate level experiential learning immersion which is designed to help our Residents understand our healthcare system from multiple vantage points. By achieving a deeper appreciation of the healthcare environment, Residents will be able to help their patients to navigate through the healthcare system, advocate for them when needed, and be prepared to be a leader in the community that they serve. This training emphasizes an approach that addresses all aspects of our patient’s health, including social determinants that have had a disproportionate impact on the population that we serve. We have also expanded our curriculum to examine factors that create and sustain health disparities including the effects of systemic racism and other forms of discrimination that effect our community. By identifying health inequities, starting conversations, and looking at ways that we as health care professionals can have an impact, we strive to improve the health of our patients and our community.

Sports Medicine / OMT

In addition to a block rotation, sports medicine is a longitudinal experience as well. Our osteopathic residents conduct OMT clinics where they learn to manually treat all types of musculoskeletal dysfunctions. There are also weekly workshops where topics in musculoskeletal anatomy, biomechanics, OMT techniques, and interesting patient cases are reviewed. All residents, faculty, and medical students are welcome to attend any workshop meeting or educational experience.

Palliative Care

Jamaica Hospital boasts a Palliative Care Consultation Program and a fellowship in Palliative Medicine through the Department of Family Medicine. Residents are afforded the opportunity to work with the interdisciplinary team and care for patients and families coping with advanced chronic life limiting illnesses through both a block rotation and longitudinally.

The curriculum includes pain and symptom management, prognostication, establishing goals of care and discussing advanced directives. It also addresses how to conduct family conferences, the psychosocial aspects of chronic illness, and grief and bereavement counseling.

This experience provides our residents with the necessary knowledge and skills to care for their patients throughout the life cycle.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative health redefines the relationship between the practitioner and the patient by focusing on the whole person and the whole community. It is informed by scientific evidence and makes use of all appropriate preventative, therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to promote health and well-being. Our leadership is passionate about this practice philosophy as it is aligned with Family Medicine core biopsychosocial values. Our residency program is working with one the foremost leaders in Integrative Health on our initiatives. We have also established a relationship with the Integrative Medicine in Residency (IMR) Program through the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. Several faculty members have completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine longitudinally, which affords us numerous resources and opportunities for the education of all Residents as a part of their routine training. In addition, residents interested in further training in this discipline can complete a 200-hour competency-based, interactive, longitudinal web-based and on-site mentored curriculum in Integrative Medicine. The curriculum can be completed over a two-year period beginning in the PGY2 year. Upon completion, each resident will receive a certificate recognizing their advanced training within this sub-specialty.


Residents follow a panel of patients in Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Nursing Home under the supervision of Family Medicine faculty and also follow patients longitudinally on home visits. During their geriatric rotation, residents work with geriatricians in a variety of settings including the hospital, the office,  at an assisted living facility and in the nursing home to gain additional experience managing older patients.