Friday, October 27 – 7:00 PM to Monday, October 30, 2023 – 6:00 AM

All employees traveling to the Jamaica Hospital campus are encouraged to:

  1. Have their employee identification readily available to allow for travel to the streets around the hospital.
  2. Anticipate the need for extra travel time when reporting to work.
  3. Consider using mass transit during this construction.


The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is advising motorists of service road and main line lane closures and detours, as well as exit & on-ramp closures on the in the vicinity of Jamaica Hospital campus. The Southbound Van Wyck Service Road will be fully closed at 91st Avenue. Detours will be place at Jamaica Avenue and Van Wyck Service Road, traffic agents will allow all Hospital/Nursing Home employees to access the campus at all times.


Additional details can be found on the MediSys Emergency Management website at