Lung Cancer Screening Tool
Request For Low Dose CT scan of the Chest for Lung Cancer Screening at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center (JHMC).
Who Is Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer screening is not recommended for everyone.
We follow the guidelines of the United States Preventative Task Force Service and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to determine lung cancer screening eligibility for our program.
If you meet all of the criteria (below), you may be a candidate for lung cancer screening:
- Individuals aged 50-80 years old
- Current smokers or those who have quit within the past 15 years
- Tobacco smoking history of at least 20 pack-years (To calculate your pack-years, multiply the number of packs smoked per day X the number of years smoked. For example: a person that smoked 1 pack per day for 20 years has a 20-pack year smoking history)
- Asymptomatic with no signs or symptoms suggestive of lung cancer
Contact Us
For more information about our program, please contact us:
Jamaica Hospital Lung Cancer Screening Program:
Phone: 718-206-LUNG (5864)
Email: [email protected]
For providers:
For patients: