Residency Program Obstetrics & Gynecology
Introduction to the Program
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Program at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is an ACGME-accredited and ABOG-approved four-year training program consisting of thirteen residents in total. Appointments for the four first year positions (three categorical and one preliminary) are made through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). The preliminary resident receives the same degree of robust training as the PGY-1 Categorical resident.
Our Residents are trained under faculty supervision all times and their education is accomplished through a combination of didactic lectures, conferences, journal clubs, and direct hands-on experience and self-study. Our unique patient population provides a broad spectrum of clinical material. With our faculty at their side, all educational goals are met.
Just a short subway ride from Manhattan, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is situated in Queens County, NY. Our hospital serves about 1.3 million people. The communities immediately surrounding our facility are diverse in geographic and cultural backgrounds. Queens has a large number of new immigrants and, according to US Census data, is the most ethnically diverse county in the USA. The population cared for by our staff represents a unique racial and ethnic melting pot, offering many opportunities for residents to learn aspects of socio-cultural influences on health. Each year, we perform about 3,000 deliveries, 1,200 gynecologic surgical procedures, and 65,000 Ob/Gyn clinic visits. The Hospital and all adjoined ambulatory centers and offices are linked with a common EMR system. All care and research is infinitely easier due to this integration.
The residency is supported by well-qualified and a robust faculty roster. Our department has three MFM specialists, two Gyn-oncologist, one Board Certified REI and 18 full time generalists who are skilled in MIS/Di Vinci Robotic System, Urogynecology and pelvic Surgeries. The hospital is always manned by two in-house attendings who oversee and train residents on the floor and a 24 hour involvement of MFM services. We also provide supporting staff in the form of Mid-wives and Physician Assistants which help the residents in their non-clinical but patient related work.
The Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) Division runs both High-Risk and Diabetes Clinics with about 2,500 visits annually. The residents are major participants in the care of all of these patients. They train the residents constantly in preforming sonograms and conduct didactic lectures
We also enjoy Department affiliations with Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility at the Weill-Cornell Medical College and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
We have a Board Certified REI as a part of our faculty at JHMC, under whom the residents have weekly REI Clinics and are constantly exposed to the new surgical skills in the operating room. They also rotate at Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility in their PGY-2 year. It provides sophisticated assisted reproductive technology services to an upper-middle class population in Manhattan. Our residents gain exposure to the techniques of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and related reproductive technologies. The center manages nearly 1,000 IVF cycles annually and draws patients from a broad geographic region in the US and abroad.
We have two Gyn-oncologists as Faculties at JHMC who regularly perform surgeries once a week and also run a dedicated Oncology Clinic on a weekly basis with the residents. Apart for that the residents in their PGY-3 year rotate at MSK Cancer Center.
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is a large, internationally renowned, specialty cancer hospital that serves a mixed population of socioeconomic levels. It is a referral center for all manner of complex oncologic problems from around the world, and admits more than 800 new gynecologic cancer patients annually. Patients come from local, regional, and international referrals. Our PGY-3 residents have a dedicated Oncology rotation, to train with the Gyn-oncology team.
We also enjoy a department affiliation with Brookdale Hospital Medical Centre, Harlem Hospital Center and Flushing Hospital Medical Center were our residents go to perform gynecological surgeries